Selected Faculty Presentations, Honors, Awards, Etc.

Jasmijn Bol - International Accounting Symposium, Madrid

PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Accounting Jasmijn Bol delivers her keynote presentation at the XV International Accounting Symposium in Madrid.

Jasmijn Bol, PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Accounting, delivered five presentations in summer 2019. In May, she presented “A Holistic Framework for Effective Management Control Systems” at the 42nd annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in Paphros, Cyprus. In June, she was invited to present “Peer-Level Calibration of Performance Evaluation Ratings: Are There Winners or Losers?” at the 2019 INSEAD Accounting Symposium in Fontainbleau, France, and she was invited to present “Status Motives and Agent-to-Agent Information Sharing” at the University of Bern in Switzerland. Also in June, she delivered keynote speeches at the ERMAC Research Conference & Professional Development Workshop in Vienna and the XV International Accounting Research Symposium in Madrid. The keynote was entitled “Synthesizing Research on Management Control Systems: A Modern Approach.”


amanda heitz

Amanda Heitz, assistant professor of finance, received the Morrison & Co. Best Paper Award at the 2019 Wellington Finance Summit in Wellington, New Zealand, for her paper “The Disappearing Earnings Announcement Premium.” Heitz also presented the paper, which was co-written with Associate
Professor of Accounting GANS NARAYANAMOORTHY and Assistant Professor of Finance MORAD ZEKHNINI, at the Chinese Accounting Professors’ Association of North America (CAPANA) Conference in Harbin, China, in June 2019. Heitz presented her paper “Corporate Political Connections and Favorable Environmental Regulation” at the China International Conference in Finance in Guangzhou, China, in July 2019.

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