BRIAN BERGMAN recently had two papers accepted for publication. “Helping Entrepreneurs Help Themselves: A Review and Relational Research Agenda on Entrepreneurial Support Organizations,” co-authored with Jeff McMullen, was accepted by Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, and “When the Beacon Goes Dark: Legitimacy Repair Work by Subsequent Actors in an Emerging Market Category,” co-authored with Brett Smith and Glen Kreiner, was accepted by Journal of Business Venturing. Bergman is an assistant professor of management.
JASMIJN BOL’s book Operational Risk Management: Organizational Controls and Incentive System Design was published in May 2021 by Business Expert Press. The book was co-authored with JENNA BLANCHE (MACCT ’19), a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam. In addition, Bol recently published three papers: “Employee Trust, Determinants and Consequences of Employee Perceptions of Organizational Trustworthiness,” co-authored with K. Haesebrouck and Serena Loftus, was published in CIMA Research Executive Summary; “Status Motives and Agent-to-Agent Information Sharing,” co-authored with J. Leiby, was published in Review of Accounting Studies; and “Reversing the Ratchet Effect: How Trust Can Improve Employee Performance,” co-authored with J. Lill and M. Shackell, was published in Strategic Finance. “Reversing the Ratchet Effect” received a Certificate of Merit in the 2020–21 Lybrand Awards for Strategic Finance and Management Accounting Quarterly. Bol is the Francis Martin Chair in Business and PricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of Accounting.
MIKE BURKE’s paper “Toward a Greater Understanding of Colombian Professional Truck Drivers’ Safety Performance,” co-authored with L.S. Valenzuela, was published in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, in August 2020. In addition, European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education invited Burke to submit his paper “An Evaluation of Safety Training for a Diverse Disaster Response Workforce: The Case of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill,” co-authored with S. Sarpy, to its forthcoming special issue “Safety Training Effectiveness: A Research Agenda.” Burke holds the Earl P. and Ethel B. Koerner Chair in Business, the Lawrence Martin Chair in Business and the Charles Atwood Professorship. He is a professor of management.
TUHIN CHATURVEDI’s paper “Resource Reconfiguration During Technological Change,” co-authored with John E. Prescott, was accepted for publication in Strategy Science. Chaturvedi is an assistant professor of management.
JOHN HEALEY’s paper “What If Your Owners Also Own Other Firms in Your Industry? The Relationship Between Institutional Common Ownership, Marketing and Firm Performance,” co-authored with Ofer Mintz, has been accepted for publication in International Journal of Research in Marketing. Healey is an assistant professor of marketing.
HAN JIANG’s paper “Cleaning House before Hosting New Guests: A Political Path Dependence Model of Political Connection Adaptation in the Aftermath of Anticorruption Shocks,” co-authored with Nan Jia, Tao Bai and Garry Bruton, was accepted for publication in Strategic Management Journal. Jiang is an assistant professor of management.
OSMAN KAZAN’s paper “Twitter Use Among Orthopaedic Surgery Journals Correlates With Increased Citation Rates,” co-authored with Mohammed Asad Khalid, Arjun Verma and Jie Chen, has been accepted for publication in Orthopedics. Kazan is a professor of practice in management science.
MATHIAS KRONLUND’s paper “Out of Sight No More? The Effect of Fee Disclosures on 401(k) Investment Allocations,” co-authored with Veronika Pool, Clemens Sialm and Irina Stefanescu, was published in the August 2021 issue of Journal of Financial Economics, and his paper “Sitting Bucks: Stale Pricing in Fixed Income Funds,” co-authored with Jaewon Choi and Ji Yeol Jimmy Oh, was accepted for publication in The Journal of Financial Economics. Kronlund is an assistant professor of finance.
VICTORIA LI’s paper “COVID-19, Volatility Dynamics and Sentiment Trading,” co-authored with Kose John, was accepted for publication in Journal of Banking and Finance. Li is a visiting assistant professor of finance.
ANYI MA recently had two papers accepted for publication. “Reconciling Female Leadership Advantage and Disadvantage with the CADDIS Measure of Agency,” co-authored with Ashleigh S. Rosette and Christy Z. Koval, was accepted for publication in Journal of Applied Psychology, and “Exploring Perceptions of Disadvantage and Success as Interwoven Antecedents to White Privilege Acknowledgement,” co-authored with Sean B. Fath and Ashleigh S. Rosette, was accepted for publication in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Ma is an assistant professor of management.
YANG PAN recently had two papers accepted for publication. “Risk Disclosure in Crowdfunding,” co-authored with Keotaeng Kim, Jooyoung Park, Kunpeng Zhang and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, was accepted for publication in Information Systems Research, and “How Ride-Sharing Is Shaping Public Transit Systems: A Counterfactual Estimator Approach,” co-authored with Liangfei Qiu, was accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management. Pan is an assistant professor of management science.
ROBERT PRILMEIER’s paper “Why Do Firms Borrow Directly from Nonbanks?,” co-authored with Isil Erel and Sergey Chernenko, has been accepted for publication in Review of Financial Studies. Prilmeier is an assistant professor of finance.
CLAIRE SENOT’s article “Manufacturing Process Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry,” co-authored with Dimitris Andritsos and Ivan Lugovoi, was accepted for publication in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM). Senot is an associate professor of management science and holder of the Albert Lechter Early Career Professorship.
IRA SOLOMON’s paper “Do Stronger Wise-Thinking Dispositions Enable Auditors to Evaluate Audit Evidence Objectively When Assessing and Addressing Fraud Risk?” coauthored with Mark Peecher and Alex Johanns, was accepted for publication in Contemporary Accounting Research. Solomon is the Debra and Rick Rees Professor of Business and professor of accounting